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Cohort 2023

Maryam AlZaabi


Maryam is an urban designer with an Architecture degree from South Korea; She is currently working in the Department of Municipalities and Transport. Design has been a passion of hers ever since she was younger and has always been curious about the different types of design; be it product design, interior design, fashion design and more.


Mesa, with its dark walnut wood and brass patterns, is a modern tribute to our majlis gatherings, enhancing the comfort of sitting and dining on the ground with its innovative low modular table.


The richness of the dark walnut of Mesa is highlighted by the center panel accentuated by a shiny brass pattern reminiscent of the Arabian fishing nets. This modular table with a curve within a curve, is at a low height to make dining on the floor a comfortable experience in majlis settings.


Mesa is redefining the dining experience in a way that seamlessly combines comfort and sophistication, bringing people together around its inviting form in any majlis setting.

Materials: Plywood, wood, brass

Dimensions: flat position: 90 x 60 x 40 cm


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